When I first heard Kari Jobe’s “Revelation Song,” it was the live online version from the Passion 2013 conference in Atlanta, GA. It’s a song written by Jennie Riddle and subsequently included on Kari Jobe’s self-titled album.
At Passion 2013 Kari delivered both a powerful and uplifting performance of this beautiful song. Still, for me, the most moving part of this contemporary song has to be the simple lyrical phrases adapted from Revelation. Some of which included: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain / Sing a new song to Him who sits on / Heaven's mercy seat (Rev 5:9) / Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty / Who was and is and is to come (Rev 4:8) / With all creation I sing praise to the King of Kings (Rev 5:13 and Rev 19:16).
If you’re a believer in need of some encouragement, I’d recommend looking up this performance to witness an auditorium full of young people singing heartfelt praise together with Kari.
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Sources: Wikipedia + Littlefield Productions